Announcing CTB's 2024-2025 Design Grant Cohort

Dear Friends of Come to Believe (CTB),

We are happy to share with you the recipients of this year’s design grants from CTB:

  • The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.

  • Hollins University, Roanoke, VA

  • Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN

  • University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, MI

Congratulations to CTB’s 2024-2025 design grant cohort!

What does it mean to receive a CTB design grant? A design grant provides funding for a university to explore our two-year college model in depth and begin to consider whether it has the bandwidth to successfully replicate and sustain the model on its campus. That is the work of the fall semester. After that, CTB customizes our services for participating institutions as they segue from exploring to planning a two-year college on their campuses, pending the approval of their board of trustees.

Another CTB design grant cohort—our third season of this program, created by CTB’s COO Sam Adams. A third season of university leaders willing to explore how to break through the status quo in order to create new opportunities for students so often left out of higher ed.

And a third season of friends like you supporting our design grant program. This year, we are particularly grateful for the sponsors of this year's cohort, the late Joan Sextro and her sister, Mary Kathryn Black.

Thank you to all of you for your support, and for your prayers for our work at CTB. Count on my prayers for you.

God’s blessings,

Steve Katsouros, SJ
Come to Believe Foundation
New York, NY


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