Grant Timeline + Milestones
Fall 2024:
Initial feasibility assessments conducted for each institution
On-site visits to Arrupe College or Dougherty Family College
Three virtual retreats organized around specific components of the CTB Model.
Finance/Budget/Advancement: The design team will hear from advancement personnel, key donors, and foundations about the financial realities and possibilities associated with the CTB model.
Academics: The design team will get detail on the curricular requirements, classroom experience and other academic components of model with input from faculty, students, and researchers.
Student Support: The design team will hear from Arrupe and DFC staff, students, and community organizations about the holistic, wrap-around supports offered by the CTB model.
Winter 2024:
Feasibility discussions with executive team
Introductory presentation to board of trustees (if executive team elects to do so)
Spring 2025:
Individual planning meetings based on customized roadmap for each cohort member
Final presentation to board of trustees (if executive team elects to do so)